My representations, my works can be classified in the field of subjective romanticism and lyric-informal abstractionism. They do not even exclude a symbolic perception of reality. Gestures, nervous jerks, impulses and bodily oscillations make my paintings very expressive and strong. Mine is a modern perceptive abstractionism in continuous evolution, which also incorporates geometries that are never banal in their extrapolation. Each work is a scream from my psyche, from my restless unconscious. The colours are very strong, lively and bright as a demonstration of my great inner strength. My paintings are messages that may be more or less obvious, very often addressing social issues. They are dreamlike visions that push the viewer to escape from a world where it is increasingly difficult to live with traditional values.
In my paintings I create many consciences that look at the inner world, question it, unmask it, and immortalise it on the canvas forever. In my works I create feelings of intimacy, emotional rebellion and hope. Symbolic circles take shape in many of my works and for me represent my gazing eye, which follows the viewer and shows him an escape route to free himself from suffering. Romantic interior landscapes are forcefully integrated into the natural world that represents my visual stage. All in a continuous movement that shakes the souls and converges on the deepest intimacy.
Painting before of
the Radical Introversic Art Movement
Painting after of the Radical Introversic Art Movement